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Spiritual Formation

Formation in faith and morals is the primary reason for the existence of St. Catherine School. Faculty and staff seek to develop a school culture that is centered on Christ and faithful to the Catholic Church’s teachings and traditions.  Not only is religion taught daily but it is also integrated within the subjects.

Daily Religion

Spiritual formation is a life-long journey of growing in relationship with God. Throughout the day children at SCS experience God in Religion class, daily prayer, weekly liturgy, and various religious events throughout the year.



Sacramental Life

Students attend all-school Mass weekly. Parents and families are encouraged to join our school community at this Eucharistic celebration. Opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation are regularly scheduled.



Liturgical Life and Devotions

The liturgical life of the Church is central in the life of our school.  Major Feasts are taught and observed with traditional devotions. Middle school students perform the Christmas Pageant and Living Stations to help prepare all students for the Christmas and Triduum celebrations, respectively. 


On the First Friday of every month, each class participates in Eucharistic Adoration in the school chapel for the length of the day. The Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are prayed frequently, especially during the months of October and May.



First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Students in second grade receive preparation for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. One full-day retreat precedes the students’ First Holy Communion day.



Spiritual Retreat and Virtue Education

Middle School students participate in a grade-level spiritual retreat within the first quarter of the school year to prepare themselves to assume the role of Christian leadership in the school.

The Virtue Education program, designed by the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia, is an integral part of the religious and moral development of the students.

Girl praying first communion
Boy praying first communion
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